About Us

Welcome to Dinkar Art Studio

We have been serving the people for 60 years

In the heart of the quaint village of Kalambani, there exists an art studio that is a testament to the enduring spirit of creativity and tradition. Aptly titled "We have been serving the people for 60 years", the studio is a beacon of artistic expression that has been illuminating the lives of the villagers for six decades.

The studio was founded by a visionary who believed in the transformative power of art. His hands skillfully crafted Ganesh idols, modern sculptures, wall paintings, and many more artifacts that were not just objects, but embodiments of the cultural ethos of Kalambani. His art was his legacy, a legacy that has been meticulously preserved and propagated by his son and grandson.

Today, the studio stands as a symbol of resilience and evolution. The grandson, armed with the teachings of his forefathers and the zeal to innovate, has taken the studio to new heights. The Ganesh idols that once were the studio's pride, now share space with modern sculptures, each piece narrating a unique story.

The wall paintings that adorn the studio are a fusion of traditional motifs and contemporary styles, a mirror reflecting the studio's journey through time. Each stroke is a tribute to the grandfather's vision, each color a testament to the son's perseverance, and each artwork a glimpse into the grandson's dreams.

As the studio steps into its seventh decade, it continues to serve the people of Kalambani, just as it has been for the past 60 years. It is not just an art studio, but a living, breathing chronicle of a family's journey, a village's history, and an art form's evolution. The legacy of the grandfather lives on, his spirit immortalized in the art that his family continues to create. The studio is a testament to the fact that art is timeless, and so is the passion that fuels it.

Expert Worker

Harnessing decades of artistic wisdom, our expert workers breathe life into every creation, ensuring each piece is a masterpiece.

Quality Work

Our commitment to quality is unwavering. Every artwork is a testament to our dedication, superior craftsmanship and attention to detail.

24/7 Support

We believe in building relationships. Our support team is available round the clock, ensuring your queries and concerns are addressed promptly.

Our Products

Card title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Shivaji Maharaj Sculpture

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Loard Ganesha Idol

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Latest From Our Blog

Wall Painting

Immerse yourself in Kaustubh’s latest masterpiece, a wall painting inspired by Marvel superheroes. His artistic prowess brings these characters to life.

Rangoli Compition

Witness Kaustubh’s creativity in a recent Rangoli competition. His design, filled with vibrant colors, beautifully showcases his artistic versatility.

Wall Painting

Explore Kaustubh’s spiritual journey through his wall painting depicting elements of Hinduism. His artistry beautifully encapsulates these divine symbols.

Stay connected with our blog for more artistic adventures from Dinkar Art Studio!